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Showing posts with label hacker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hacker. Show all posts

Cara Mengetahui Posisi Seseorang Lewat Nomor Hp

Cara Mengetahui Posisi Seseorang Lewat Nomor Hp - dengan serangkaian kata kunci yang sering di cari di google seperti Cara Cek posisi teman via nomor hp, cara mengetahui letak seseorang via nomor Hape, melacak posisi seseorang lewat nomor Handphone dan lain - lain.. Kali ini saya akan kasih trik gokil mencari kedudukan seseorang via satelit melalui nomor hape nya. Caranya cukup mudah... silahkan kunjungi website berikut.


Masukan nomor hp yang ingin di ketahui posisinya kemudian klik Search.. maka akan tampil gambar seperti berikut.

About HLR Lookup

HLR Lookup is an application to check where an originating telephone number.
HLR Lookup does not have the ability to know the details of a number of information such as name, address, position, etc., because the detailed information of a number is the privacy of the owners of numbers known only to those operators and the authorities.
HLR Lookup this could only detect the number of these operator :
  1. Telekomunikasi Selular [Kartu Halo, Simpati, Kartu AS]
  2. Indosat (Cellular) [IM3, Mentari, Matrix]
  3. Indosat (Fixed) [Starone]
  4. Excelcomindo Pratama XL Axiata [XL]
  5. Hutchison CP Telecommunications [Three]
  6. Natrindo Telepon Seluler [Axis]
  7. Bakrie Telecom [Esia]
  8. Telekomunikasi Indonesia [PSTN, Flexi]
  9. Mobile-8 Telecom (Cellular) [Fren]
  10. Mobile-8 Telecom (Fixed) [Hepi]
  11. Smart Telecom [Smart] Smartfren Telecom [Smartfren]
  12. Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia [Ceria]
  13. Pasifik Satelit Nusantara [Byru]
  14. Batam Bintan Telekomunikasi [BBT]
HLR Lookup is like the place that you were born, leaving the place does not change the place that you were born.
[ I do not understand ]

HLR (Home Location Register)

The home location register (HLR) is a central database that contains details of each mobile phone subscriber that is authorized to use the GSM core network. There can be several logical, and physical, HLRs per public land mobile network (PLMN), though one international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI)/MSISDN pair can be associated with only one logical HLR (which can span several physical nodes) at a time.
The HLRs store details of every SIM card issued by the mobile phone operator. Each SIM has a unique identifier called an IMSI which is the primary key to each HLR record.
The next important items of data associated with the SIM are the MSISDNs, which are the telephone numbers used by mobile phones to make and receive calls. The primary MSISDN is the number used for making and receiving voice calls and SMS, but it is possible for a SIM to have other secondary MSISDNs associated with it for fax and data calls. Each MSISDN is also a primary key to the HLR record. The HLR data is stored for as long as a subscriber remains with the mobile phone operator.
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